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picoCTF - Insp3ct0r with Jupyter

I am experimenting with Juypter notebooks for solving CTF problems. Here is a notebook converted to a blog entry. You can find the original Jupyter Notebook file here

picoCTF 2019 - Shark on the Wire 2 aka 'Mama Shark'

Back to another picoCTF challenge, this time to a challenge that is more in my wheel house. Network traffic forensics… specifically “shark on the wire 2” for 300 points. There...

picoCTF 2019 - Overflow 1 - 'A PWNy For Your Thoughts'

I have never really been that great at binary exploitation challenges. But I am fascinated with return oriented programming attacks and the concept of weird machines. To this end, I...

RC3CTF 2017 - Math Class Writeup

I participated with BitsForEveryone in RC3CTF. There were five coaches from the C3T team competing and we finished in 12 place with a total of 1850 points. Pretty good showing....

C3T Tryout Challenges - Stevie and Ray

Stevie Wonder and Jamie Foxx playing the role of the late great Ray Charles For our internal CTF for tryouts the past two years, I have had a series of...

Gamification in a Network Engineering Class

In my IT350 course, I like to add some capture the flag events on the final project as bonus questions. I take this opportunity to expose the students to CTF...